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- «c2»«ac»KLIMAT REVIEW«»
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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
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- «as»«c7»This is a review of the Klimat slideshow by Apathy released the 11/11-01!
- It's done by Rebel (graphics), Zeeball (code) and Spektra (music).«»
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- «al»Released: «c6»November 2001«»
- «c7»Event: «c6»Kindergarden 2017-16«»
- «c7»Size: «c6»1.399 Mb«»
- «c7»Requirements: «c6»AGA and minimal of ram«»
- «»
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- «as»«c7»Klimat was actually created a long time ago, but it was not released
- before the «c6»Kindergarden party «c7»last year, where it also competed in the
- demo competition.«»
- «»
- In any case, the start of the slideshow is «c6»quite promising. «c7»The music has
- an interesting opening, along with a nice Apathy logo being displayed. Then
- "presents" appear with a cool star «c6»light effect «c7»behind it. Afterwards, a
- small picture with a logo with the name Klimat beneath it, is being
- shown.«»
- «»
- The next thing that happens, is that the «c6»menu «c7»is revealed. It mainly
- consists of the 6 pictures you can choose to watch on the left side, and on
- the right side, a big head. The menu isn't exactly impressing, but ok. The
- music is a bit disturbing after my opinion, and not very fitting.«»
- «»
- When it comes to the «c6»6 pictures, «c7»which makes this a rather small slideshow,
- I can't really give you a good explanation of how they look like. So the
- best thing is, as always, to watch the slideshow yourself.«»
- Well, I'll add a few words about the various pictures. «c6»The first picture «c7»is
- done in greytones and is showing 3 faces. Like about all pictures in this
- slide, also this seem to be manipulated with the use of different commands
- in the paint program.«»
- «»
- «c6»The second picture «c7»is of a person in yellow-brown colours. This picture is
- also quite expressive, like about all of the pictures in this small
- slideshow. «c6»The third picture «c7»is of some more faces. «c6»The fourth, «c7»is a 3
- headed flower. Strong and nice colours. «c6»The fifth picture «c7»is being created
- by an intereresting painting technique, and shows a person with a bird on
- his hand. «c6»The last picture, «c7»is 4 more faces and the credits.«»
- «»
- All in all, it's just some average pictures really. Nothing astonishing at
- all. But some pictures have «c6»some expression, «c7»so perhaps they have some kind
- of deeper meaning? I surely don't know.«»
- «»
- The code got some kind of small bugs on my configuration, but nothing
- essential. Apart from that, it also got some «c6»very special features.«»
- «»
- «c7»Yes, this slideshow actually got «c6»two hidden parts. «c7»The first one you can
- find by clicking on the eye of the man displayed in the right side of the
- menu. Then infact a «c6»very nice tunnel «c7»appears in the upper right of the menu
- page. This is the best part of the slideshow after my opinion. If you press
- in the middle of the tunnel, another hidden part will appear. It's just a
- «c6»text program «c7»where you can enter your handle, and perhaps Zeeball has
- written a message to you? Anyway, this hidden part can also be found by
- just clicking in the upper right of the menu. So why don't you check it out
- yourself?«»
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